(a) All residences and business buildings within the city shall be numbered consecutively, under the direction of the City Superintendent or his or her assistant, using Main Street as base Street, as the dividing line north and south and Jennings Avenue as base street, as the dividing line east and west. One hundred numbers shall be allotted to each block, and even numbers shall be placed on the west and south side of each street or avenue and odd numbers on the east and north side of each street or avenue.
(b) All residences and business buildings fronting on any street shall be numbered in accordance with the provisions of this provision.
(c) In case there are two or more dwellings, buildings or rooms located on the same lot, the second and other dwellings, buildings or rooms shall be numbered the same as the first with a fraction, letter, or apartment number depending on the quantity of numbers needed, being added, Trailer courts shall have a number and each trailer space therein shall have the same number with an alphabetical letter assigned to ouch space.
(d) The Owner of any residence or business building fronting on any street will place on said building in a conspicuous place, visible from the Street, a proper number in figures of at least four (4) inches in height, made of non-rusting material and shall be of such color to be easily seen from the fronting street.
(e) All persons, firms, corporations, associations owning, any residence or business building fronting any of the public streets of the City of Anthony, Kansas are hereby required to number such residence or business building, us provided herein, within 90 days from the effective date of this article and all new residences or business buildings constructed after the elapse of such time, must be so numbered within 30 days after completion or occupancy, whichever is the earlier. If the Owner of the residence or business building fronting on any Street fails to comply with the provisions of this article in causing the residences and business buildings to be properly numbered, the City of Anthony, Kansas may cause the same to be properly numbered, charge and collect the cost of the same in accordance with all laws of the State of Kansas.
(Ord. G-2738; Code 2007)