Whenever the governing body shall deem it expedient to change or establish the grade of one or more streets it may, by resolution, order that a survey and plat of such street or streets be made and prepared by the city superintendent and submitted to the governing body for approval. The map or plat of any street or avenue shall, in addition to the ground plan, show a longitudinal profile delineation thereof at the time of the survey, and the grade lines as determined upon by the city superintendent, together with cross sections, details and such specifications as may be necessary to present a perspicuous and intelligible view of the same. The survey or plat, if it shall be approved by the governing body, shall be signed by the mayor, attested by and placed on file with the city clerk, and shall thereafter be the established grade of such street or avenue.

(Code 1973, 15-201)

The grade of alleys shall be a line running as nearly straight as practicable from the established grade of the streets or avenues at either end thereof.

(Code 1973, 15-202)

Whenever the governing body shall, by ordinance or resolution, declare it necessary to macadamize, curb, gutter or otherwise improve any street, avenue, alley or public ground of the city, the city superintendent shall prepare and submit to the governing body for approval, plans, plats, estimates and specifications of the proposed improvements. Such plans, estimates and specifications, if approved by the governing body, shall be placed on file with the city clerk who shall proceed to advertise in the official paper of the city, for at least two weeks, for sealed proposals for furnishing the material and performing the work in accordance with the plans, plats, estimates and specifications and the provisions of this article. The advertisement shall state the time when the contract will be let by the governing body, which shall be at least two weeks from the date of first publication.

(Code 1973, 15-203)

All street and other public improvements, except when otherwise ordered by the governing body, shall be done under contract to be let to the lowest responsible bidder, the governing body reserving the right to reject any and all bids. No bids shall be accepted exceeding the amount of the city superintendent’s estimate of the probable cost. In all cases the bids shall be for making the improvements in accordance with the plans and specifications, except in the case of sidewalks, which shall be in accordance with the provisions of this article. Bids for the construction of sidewalks shall be for a sum certain per lineal foot for as much thereof as may be left for the city to build. The necessary repairing of street, alley and avenue crossings and sidewalks shall be attended by the city superintendent without delay.

(Code 1973, 15-204)

No bid shall be accepted unless accompanied by a surety bond executed to the city in double the amount of the city superintendent’s estimate of the probable cost of the proposed improvement or improvements, conditioned that the person tendering the bid:

(a)   Shall furnish the material and perform the work according to the plans and specifications on file with the city clerk, or if the improvements be constructing sidewalks, in accordance with the provisions of this article;

(b)   That said party will pay all debts and obligations contracted for or on behalf of the same;

(c)   That said party will pay to the city or party in interest, all damages that may accrue by reason of any negligence on the part of such contractor or his or her employees in making or performing such work or improvement.

(Code 1973, 15-205)

Curb and gutter shall be a monolithic pour, no less than 6” thick, shall be constructed with concrete having no less than 3500 P.S.I. Curb shall be a minimum of 6” high and combined width of curb and gutter shall be 30” measured at the base. Configuration of combined curb and gutter shall be that of type 1, but the city may approve minor variations to match contractors screen. The city shall reserve the right to take concrete cylinder samples to insure quality control.

(Ord. G-2601; Sec. 1)

Any person desiring to break into or excavate on any streets, alleys, curbs, gutters or sidewalks, within the city, shall first obtain a permit for such work from the city building inspector and such work shall not be proceeded with until such permit has been granted. There shall be a charge in the amount of $10.00 payable at the office of the city clerk for the issuance of such permit.

(Code 1973, 15-208; Code 2007)

All replacements of work done by any person on any city street, alley, curb or gutter shall be replaced in a manner equivalent to specifications required for existing construction by the city including, but not limited to, replacing concrete back to the property line and shall be approved by the city building inspector upon completion.

(Code 1973, 15-209)

Any person who shall walk or drive or operate any automobile, motorcycle or other vehicle upon or across any newly paved or partially paved street or alley or new constructed curb or gutter in the city before the same has sufficiently hardened to bear traffic, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.

(Code 1973, 15-210)

Any person who shall drive or operate any automobile, motorcycle or other vehicle upon or across any street, avenue or alley when the same is closed to traffic or barricaded for the purpose of preparing the same for paving, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.

(Code 1973, 15-211)

For the violation of sections 14-208 and 14-209 of this article each day that the work is left in a condition unsatisfactory to the city inspector, shall be considered a separate violation with the exception that each such day shall not be considered a separate violation where repair work in accordance with city specifications and requirements has been commenced.

(Code 1973, 15-212)